Painting a Black Hoodie

Painting a black hoodie.

This project has been three years in the making.

The hoodie is actually a gift for a male friend, and it has been hanging in my closet, unpainted, for far too long.

I also painted a hoodie for his wife about a year ago.

I purchased the hoodie brand new, and it took so long for me to paint it because I wasn't quite sure how to get started...

blackhoodie.jpegBlack hoodie before being painted. I did, however, paint one stroke of blue paint before taking the photo.

Painting a Black Hoodie - The Process

I do not have a natural proclivity for painting men's clothing.

I tend to be "girly" in my approach, so this took a little more effort.

Before I ever pick up a paintbrush, I usually have an idea of what colors I may want to use, along with a projected design.

Many times, the end result does not match what I originally envisioned, but I must start with something.

I thought about this hoodie often, and many designs flowed through my mind.

I thought that I may paint an animal.

Perhaps a lion, tiger, or leopard.

I also considered an abstract design.

I would repeatedly settle on a design, and then change my mind a few days later.

The time had finally come when I was ready to finish the project, and mail the hoodies to them.

I pulled the black hoodie out, along with blue, black, and white paint.

I smeared all three colors of paint over the front of the hoodie, and hoped for the best.

Because I painted lightly, the fabric does not feel as if it were painted at all.

I was going for a streetwear look, and I believe I accomplished it.

abstracthoodie.jpegThe hoodie after being painted with blue, black, and white paint.

Painting a Black Hoodie - My Thoughts?

It came out better than I imagined.

This hoodie was designed for a man, but I also think that it could be a stylish, grunge look for a woman.

I would wear it with a pair of jeans, or cargo pants to hang with friends, or run errands on a cold, gloomy day.

The look would be artsy and fashionable at the same time.

This hoodie makes me want to try my hand at abstract designs more often.

Oh, and the hoodie that I painted for his wife?

See below for a hoodie that falls into my usual "girly" category.

isntshelovely.jpegThe hoodie that I painted for my friend's wife.

Painting a Black Hoodie - My Work

To see more of my work, please follow me on Instagram, or check out my Etsy store.