Painted red and pink handbag.
I have owned this bag for several years, but have not used it in quite a while.
I found it sitting in the back of my closet, and immediately thought that it would be fun to upcycle it with paint.
It had a very drab beige color, and needed a color, or color(s) that would bring it back to life.
This handbag was many different colors before being red and pink.
I started with a nice, solid blue.
I tried to make myself like it, but I had to be honest and admit that I really didn't.
And so the color changed.
I added silver, then yellow to the blue.
I still was not satisfied.
I painted it black, then added red.
Somewhere in there, I added orange.
I even added a few spots of pink on one side.
Something was still missing.
I finally decided to paint it all red again, and add pink on top.
After painting it red, I lightly smeared it with pink paint, as I did not want to make it too heavy.
I purposely painted the strokes in different directions, so that they weren't uniform.
I added just a little more pink to the front of the handbag several days later.
This process was a little frustrating.
I envisioned colors in my head, but they did not look as appealing once I actually painted them on the bag.
I was reminded that some projects will take longer to complete than others.
I did not immediately decide on red and pink.
I was vacillating between red, and orange, and red and pink.
I had to mull it over in my head for a few days.
I am very pleased with the final outcome.
I like the way red, and pink mix together.
Most people would not put these two colors on the same handbag, and that is what makes it unique.
I look forward to blending more unorthodox color combinations in the future.
To see more of my painted fashions, please visit my Etsy shop, and follow me on Instagram.
To see my painted designs that can be printed on many different items, visit Fine Art America.