Painting vintage ankle boots.
I received this pair of boots from someone who was cleaning their home.
I was told that the boots were purchased around 1995.
They had not been worn for many years, and were taking up needed space.
I gladly took them, and looked forward to restoring the boots with paint.
Initially, I wanted to paint the boots with multiple colors.
I tried doing this, but the design was not coming out as I had hoped.
I finally decided to paint the boots completely red.
The color red definitely gave the boots the reset they needed.
I began painting the boots by adding blue.
I then added white.
More blue.
And then, gray.
Then, red.
Even though I had to paint the boots several times in order to find out that red was the chosen color, I don't mind.
I enjoy the painting process, and I was learning in the midst of it all.
I was learning which colors were flattering to the boots, and which were not.
I was learning more about the art of blending colors.
I was learning which colors I like to mix together the most.
I don't think we can ever master blending colors.
There are always new colors to explore, and delight in.
Playing around with color never becomes boring for me.
I love to see what color(s) will emerge by dabbing small amounts of paint together.
I receive great joy as I watch an old garment, shoe, or handbag get new life with a few coats of paint.
I love to see the worn texture become shiny and bright again.
It's a great feeling when the product looks new, but it reflects the style of
days gone by.
I imagine that the item being painted is happy also.
Who wouldn't like to have their look updated with a make-over?
It is also rewarding when I see the reaction of the person who gave me the garment, shoes, or handbag.
They are always in disbelief that this is the same clothing item that they gave away.
At times, I wonder if they want me to give the finished product back to them.
If asked, I would perhaps consider it.