Painting a black handbag pink.
I purchased this handbag from an online store that sells used clothing items.
The handbag was black, and truthfully, there was nothing wrong it.
The color was not faded, and the material was not frayed.
It didn't necessarily need to be painted.
But, painting is what I do.
I envisioned this handbag being coated in blue leather paint.
Blue is not my favorite color, but I didn't want to fight against what I was seeing.
And so the painting began.
I initially painted the handbag blue.
I poured a small amount of blue paint, and lightly dabbed paint on one side of the bag.
Because I didn't use a heavy amount of paint, some of the original black was still visible.
Even still, after adding one coat of blue paint, I decided that I wanted more of the black exposed.
As such, I sporadically dabbed the purse with a little black paint.
It was pretty, but I was not completely satisfied.
I thought of adding a little green to the mix.
Because I already had blue on the bag, I only needed to add yellow to create green.
The green was too dark, so I added white to brighten it up.
I was definitely NOT in love with the color.
Hmm... What other colors could I paint it?
I thought about many other colors, but none of them seemed to fit.
Then, I laid my eyes on the bottle of pink paint, and decided to give it a try.
At first glance, I was not sure how I felt about the pink.
After having time to think about it, however, I decided to keep this color for three reasons:
1. I don't have time to keep re-painting this bag.
2. I like the dark undertones with the pink.; and
3. Of all the colors, this one looks the most feminine.
I need to clean the bag up a bit around the handle, and paint the other side, and then it will be complete.
Early on in the process, I felt so strongly that this bag would be blue.
This is a good reminder to stay flexible throughout the painting process.
To see more of my painted fashions, visit my Etsy shop, and follow me on Instagram.
To see my painted designs that can be printed on many different items, visit Fine Art America.